Episode 038: Mindful of Self-Care During Challenge and Trauma (Part 4)

Not having a self-care strategy is a luxury we can no longer afford.  The pace of life, our western thinking and behaviors demand that we develop a self-care strategy to be the healthiest version of our selves we can be.  In today’s podcast, Dawn brings together the four components and the four supports for developing a healthy self-care plan.  So, what is your self-care strategy?


“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”


Show Notes: 

Dawn announces a new Self-Care course she is currently creating.  This course that will take you on a deep dive and help you develop a powerful plan of mindful self-care for times of stress, transition and trauma. 

If this sounds like something that would be helpful to you, please subscribe in the email or on my website; and I will keep you up to date as I continue working on the course.

In this final episode of the 4 part series on Self-Care, Dawn brings things together including the four categories–Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually (discussed in the last podcast) along with the four supports—Challenges, Early warning system, Self-expression, & Community (discussed in this podcast).   Without these supports, it could be even more difficult for you to enter and/or maintain your self-care strategy.

The Four Supports to Developing and Using a Healthy Self-Care Plan

  1. Challenges

•  Know yourself.  Take notice and name what could prevent you from making the choice for 

    good self-care.  

2. Early warning system

•  Measure your monthly, weekly, daily or even hourly stress levels–this is an important skill to    


•  Notice your proverbial cup.  Is it overflowing or is it bone dry?  Slow down your typical energies 

    in order to increase your self-care—to exchange the emptying progression with increasing 

    the refilling process.

•  It is critical that you read the signs!  What are your symptoms/tells/red flags that alert you 

    before you reach empty?

3. Self-expression

•  Use our “yes’s” and our “no’s.”

•  Pay attention to how your body may need to express itself to get the most out of your self-care- 

    move, dance, exercise, sit, laydown, stretch, rest.

4. Community

•  You need community to help you along in life, speak truth into your life, and to encourage you 

    as you learn and practice your self-care skills.  

•  You were meant to be community in such a way that you have another’s back, you know when 

    to ask for help, and you know when to offer help

•  You are not meant to do life on your own, in isolation.

Ps 119:59, Ps 4:4, 1 Cor 11:28, Eph 3:17-19, Phil 1:9-11, James 5:12; Rom 12:4-5, Ps 133:1, Heb 10:24-25

In Conclusion~

Having a self-care strategy is no longer a luxury you are afforded.  The pace of life, western thinking, and behaviors demand that you develop a self-care strategy in order to be the healthiest version of yourself you can be.  What is your self-care strategy?


If you would like a guide to help you develop you own unique and powerful self-care strategy, please make sure to sign up for more information here, and be on the look-out for a self-care course coming soon!